Wednesday, June 13, 2012


churros, chocolate, y cafe con leche
 I FINALLY tried the signature Madrileña breakfast, churros and chocolate! The little cafe where I've been stopping for breakfast in the mornings (and prime Juegos del Hambre reading time) has been clean out of churros the past couple of days.
fried battery goodness
 Luckily, this morning they had plenty! Spanish churros are much like regular Mexican churros - deep fried tubes of batter. But unlike their Mexican cousins, Spanish churros aren't rolled in cinnamon sugar. They're served plain and with a giant, steaming cup of chocolate.
chocolate for dipping!
The chocolate itself is almost like an extra thick version of hot chocolate; it's not plain melted chocolate, but a very smooth, milky, mild chocolate. Perfect for dipping! And after I had finished off all the churros, I still had plenty of chocolate left (they seriously fill the mug to the brim) and I literally just started eating it with a spoon! So yummy!!

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