Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"What about 2nd breakfast? He knows about that, right?"

Well, this is certainly something I could get used to!
good book + cafe con leche + sweet treat
The Spanish eating schedule, that is. Let me break it down for you: the day starts with a cup of coffee or something similar at home, around 8 am. That's followed by a 2nd breakfast on the way to work/school, usually at a cafe - coffee/hot chocolate and churros or a potato-quiche type dish. Then at lunchtime (12 or 1), it's off to a tapas bar for bocadillos and vino or cerveza. That tides you over til actual lunch, around 2 or 3 pm. Around 3 or 4 it's merienda, or tea time. So another round of snacks, followed by an evening siesta. Then a 2nd round of tapas around 6 or 7, just to tide you over until dinner, around 9 or 10 pm.
Y'all, the chocolate was practically oozing out.
Crazy, right?? That seems like SO MUCH EATING compared to the usual 3-square-meals a day thing we have going in the US. But I guess when you break it down, it's not too bad. It's more like small but frequent snacking throughout the day.
cafe con lecheeeee.
And let me just say, with all the walking I've been doing the past 3 days, I completely understand the need for constant food and a longggg afternoon siesta. Today was actually my first attempt to follow this new schedule, and as you can see from the pictures, I thoroughly enjoyed my 2nd breakfast this morning. Cafe con leche, a chocolate pastry, and a captivating book, for the low price of €2. Here's hoping I don't gain 15+ lbs these next 6 weeks!

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